Scirus partners with The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Scirus, Elsevier’s free science-specific search engine, is partnering with The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) to index its repository, the HKUST Institutional Repository. The addition of the new content is said to be reflective of Scirus’ mission to remain the most comprehensive source of science-focused content on the web. Scirus is also helping to power the search capability on the HKUST repository site, which contains more than 2,300 records including theses, preprints, technical reports, working and conference papers, journal articles and presentations.

'Having recognised the need for preservation and dissemination of our scholarly information, HKUST was one of the first institutions in the world to establish an openly-accessible repository to support the needs of our students and faculty as well as researchers around the globe,’ said KT Lam, head of library systems, HKUST Library. 'Using Scirus’s search solution, we hope to increase the accessibility of our content for the HKUST community and remote users.’

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