Japanese libraries join CLOCKSS

Two major academic library groups in Japan have joined the CLOCKSS archive, which aims to ensure preservation of libraries' resources. The two groups are the Japanese Association of National University Libraries (JANUL) and the Private and Public University Libraries Consortia (PULC). JANUL consists of 92 libraries, while roughly 360 libraries are part of PULC. The National Institute of Informatics in Japan (NII), which is a CLOCKSS founding library and archive node, has been instrumental in bringing about this partnership and expanding the support for CLOCKSS to all academic libraries in Japan.

Jun Adachi, professor and director of the Cyber Science Infrastructure Development Department of NII, and on the CLOCKSS board of directors, commented: 'We believe it is crucial for libraries located in the Asia Pacific region, and particularly Japan, to take an active role in preservation and have a voice in policies that affect us all. CLOCKSS gives us an opportunity to participate in this important international endeavour.'

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