INASP training pilot takes shape in Ghana
International development charity INASP is to pilot an innovative approach to training librarian trainers in Ghana.
The new network of trainers, which will start with a 'training the trainers' workshop in Accra next week, will take a learner-centred approach developed by INASP’s training strategy coordinator Laura-Elena Runceanu – with learners defining the skills that they want to develop.
The network will involve 10 participants from the CARLIGH consortium in Ghana and 10 from the CUUL consortium in Uganda. All of the participants are involved in training librarians and library consortia.
Helping librarians, researchers and others to develop the skills they need for effective communication of research is a key activity for INASP, and facilitating training in-country by peers is an important part of this. Taking a learner-centred approach to training library trainers marks a departure from more traditional approaches to training.
'We only have 10 Powerpoint slides for four days,' explained Runceanu. “Learner-centred doesn’t mean it’s completely open – we still have an agenda and materials – but it starts with self-assessment. There are tools and ways to build training based on what participants want, rather than what the organisation running the course wants.'
Over recent weeks, participants have filled in a rubric for self-assessment of learner-centred skills, identifying five skills that they want to develop over the next six months. These responses have been used to develop training materials for the face-to-face workshops.
Following on from the first face-to-face workshop, participants will share experiences, discuss learner-centred topics, carry out assignments, follow their individual action plans and build relationships through a dedicated online community of practice facilitated by Laura. INASP will then run a second face-to-face workshop in June 2015 and then the community of practice will continue.