Ex Libris expands Elsevier collaboration

Ex Libris Group has announced an expanded collaboration with Elsevier, enabling mutual customers of the Ex Libris Alma library management solution and SFX OpenURL link resolver and Elsevier's ScienceDirect to benefit from a fully automated workflow to keep libraries' full text access levels up to date for both journals and books.

Using the ScienceDirect Admin Tool, librarians will trigger the automated feed through a one-time activation process. The library's entitlements will then be continuously updated in the Ex Libris knowledge base that underlies Alma and SFX, the companies say.

With the automatic updates, libraries will be able to increase the accuracy and timeliness of full-text links to their subscribed content for the benefit of their users. Furthermore, the up to date e-content will improve the library's collection development and acquisition decision-making processes.
Ex Libris says the automated update capability supports its strategy to provide libraries with efficient tools for managing their local holdings in the Ex Libris global knowledge base. This collaboration is part of ScienceDirect's ongoing effort to make Elsevier content seamlessly accessible and discoverable in third-party applications, ensuring an efficient management, search, and discovery experience.
'We are very pleased with the enhancement of our cooperation with Ex Libris,' said Alexandra de Lange, head of third-party platform relations at Elsevier. 'Many ScienceDirect customers use SFX to enable their users to link to full-text content on ScienceDirect. For these customers we have prepared instructions on how they can easily activate the new enhanced service that will enable them to always see the most up to date links to full text journals and books.'
'Immediate access to the content that end users discover via the Ex Libris solutions is crucial to user satisfaction,' added Shlomi Kringel, Ex Libris corporate vice president for discovery and delivery solutions. 'The new service provided through our collaboration with Elsevier further streamlines library workflows and makes the links that the Alma and SFX link resolver generate to ScienceDirect content more robust and trustworthy.'

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