ebrary partners with Ambassador

Ambassador Books and Media has selected ebrary to provide Ambassador’s new e-book offering. Under the terms of the agreement, Ambassador will resell ebrary’s e-books from publishers under a single or multi-user access model and fulfill e-book orders using the ebrary Ordering Platform (eBOP).

‘ebrary’s growing selection of authoritative e-books will greatly enhance our print product line and provide us with competitive advantage,’ said Steven Blicht, Ambassador’s executive vice president. ‘We are very excited to expand our business by partnering with ebrary.’

‘With 35 years in the industry, Ambassador is a long-established leader serving libraries and other educational institutions throughout the world,’ said Kevin Sayar, president of ebrary. ‘We are thrilled to partner with Ambassador to distribute our e-books to new global markets and look forward to providing our publishing partners with additional revenue opportunities.’

A selection of more than 67,300 e-books and other authoritative titles in academic and professional subject areas will be available through Ambassador.

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