Contech live – calendar of events released

Event organiser adds three conferences to calendar for 2019
A full programme of ConTech Live events for 2019 has now been launched. The inaugural ConTech event last November, the conversations since, and the need in this space has led to the creation of some exciting new events for this year.
ConTech 2019 will be held on the 5th and 6th December at the Millennium Gloucester, London. This flagship event for ConTech Live is already starting to shape up to be another must attend event, say organisers. It will continue to focus on the intersection between content and data science which is one of the most exciting, disruptive and unpredictable areas of publishing, content and information management right now.
Delegates can learn about new techniques, tools and tips, discover the very latest methodologies from the pioneers, see what works, what doesn’t work, what might work tomorrow and why it doesn’t today.
Core themes will include:
- ‘The intersection of content, data and technology is changing the landscape’. What data science tools and techniques can you adopt to improve content creation, management and delivery? What role do artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning have in developing the next generation of content products? What does a good content project built around data look like today? What will the content product of the future be?
- Demonstrating the value of AI? What choices do you make? How do you manage the cultural issues of bringing content and data specialists together? How do you develop a culture that embraces data? How can your content teams become rapid and flexible enough to exploit the opportunities of richer data? What does a good data driven content project look like? What are the lessons of projects that have deliverable measurable benefits?
- Data communication and visualisation – the programme will explore the critical importance of these disciplines. We will look at how data analytics projects can fail or not have the desired impact – and in this theme we can talk about the right staffing and organizational structures as well as data visualization techniques. ConTech 2019 will introduce a poster ‘gallery’ to further provide examples of this point.
- Data ethics and innovation – How do you adopt a more data driven approach to your content while maintaining the trust of your users? What is best practice in data ethics and how does it impact your reputation? How might geo-politics impact future innovation? Will the ‘data permissive’ own the future? How can we responsibly use data? Where is the balance?
ConTech Forum is a one-day event to be held on 21 June at the Millennium Knightsbridge. This is a unique event which presents snapshot updates on the main ConTech issues. Many returning speakers and delegates along with new attendees interested in this space makes the forum a perfect place to get involved with ConTech and contribute to finalising the draft ConTech 2019 programme. The full programme of speakers is now available.
ConTech Pharma 2019 is a one-day event to be held on 17 September at the Millennium Knightsbridge. It will focus on how a new generation of technology is impacting the world of content. The programme will feature the pharma and digital healthcare content pioneers who are already seeing the benefits of using data science, the visionaries who are building new content tools and those who understand how to start applying this to their work. If you are a publisher, content strategist, pharma or digital healthcare professional and this resonates with you ConTech Pharma is a must attend event. Conference co-chairs Jabe Wilson (Elsevier) and Nick Lynch (Pistoia Alliance) will be working with us on the programme during May. The call for speakers is open until 30 April and submissions can be made on the website.
ConTech Legal 2019 is a one-day event to be held on 10 October at the Millennium Knightsbridge. It has been specially created to examine the issues law firms, legal publishers, statutory bodies and information providers face from the transformation of content through data science, AI and other emerging technologies. It will be a forum to discuss both the threats and opportunities new technologies bring. Call for speakers will be open soon.
ConTech Live has established a platform to showcase the very latest thinking and to help understand how data science AI and other technologies can unlock a host of new opportunities for organisations of all types and sizes.
To learn more about the events, call for speakers, programmes and more, visit
- ConTech Live is organised by Info International