Collaboration brings journal metrics to Primo searches

Elsevier and Ex Libris Group are working together to use the source normalized impact per paper (SNIP) and SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) metrics in calculating relevance ranking for Primo search results.

The SNIP indicator takes into account the fact that the frequency of citations varies from one field to another. The SJR indicator combines several factors to produce a measure of the prestige of the citing source. Now the SNIP and SJR metrics will be included in the Primo algorithm for calculating the relevance of search results. The display of results will also show these metrics to help users assess the scholarly significance of items.

Cameron Ross, director of product management, A&I databases at Elseiver commented: 'Elsevier is keen to support the academic community by endorsing two independently-recognised sources of alternative journal metrics. In the area of journal evaluation, two of the most exciting metrics today are SNIP and SJR. Our goal is to make these measures of impact as widely known and useful to scholars as traditional metrics, and we believe that by incorporating SNIP and SJR into Primo, they will help advance the research endeavour.'

David Beychok, vice president of discovery and delivery solutions at Ex Libris, added: 'Through our longstanding partnership with Elsevier, Primo Central has been indexing the Scopus Abstracting and Indexing database and the full text of ScienceDirect. We are delighted to strengthen our collaboration with Elsevier through our agreement to add SNIP and SJR journal metrics to the other factors in Primo relevance ranking.'

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