CILIP launches 2016 call for papers

The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) has launched a call for papers ahead of its 2016 conference. 

Ferguson Municipal Library Director Scott Bonner is the first confirmed keynote speaker for the event, taking place at the Brighton Dome on 12 and 13 July.

Scott Bonner’s presentation ‘What We Did in Ferguson: A Warts-and-all Telling of Stories’ will share what he and other staff did at Ferguson Municipal Public Library in Missouri, when their community was in turmoil following the killing of unarmed teenager Michael Brown by local police late last year. Additional keynote speakers will be announced in early 2016.

Bonner was awarded the Lemony Snicket Prize for Noble Librarians Faced with Adversity in June 2015.  

Entries are sought for conference papers as well as for nominations for individuals or groups who would fit in with the three core conference themes: Managing Information will explore the latest best practice and emerging ideas in Information Management; Everyday Innovation will focus on making a difference daily by delivering outstanding services with existing resource. Finally, Using Technology will look at the different ways technology is being used to enhance library and information services.

Speaker proposals and nominations should be submitted via the conference website by 12 February. Booking is also open, with earlybird booking discounts of up to 25 per cent on selected packages until 29 April and a new group rate for 2016.

CILIP’s 2015 conference hosted nearly 600 members of the UK and international library and knowledge workforce at St. Georges Hall in Liverpool. Delegates were addressed by human rights lawyer Shami Chakrabarti, Guardian columnist Erwin James, US-based Library professor R.D. Lankes and journalist and activist Cory Doctorow, as well as representatives from Bibliothèques Sans Frontières, Full Fact, IFLA and others.

Covering a broad range of issues from across the library, information and knowledge professions, the conference is designed to inspire, share knowledge, raise debate and provide networking opportunities for the UK and international workforce.

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