BML studies state of e-publishing

BML is conducting a major research project on the state of e-publishing, on behalf of Publishing Technology. This research follows on from a similar project in 2001, also conducted on behalf of Publishing Technology (then VISTA), which interviewed a select group of senior publishers from a number of trade, academic/professional, schools and journal publishers, in the UK and the USA.

The intention of the new study is to review how the market has developed over the past 10 years compared to forecasts at the time, to look at where it is now, and to provide markers against which further trend analysis can be undertaken. The results will also provide context for BML’s research study Understanding the Digital Consumer, which is also now taking place.

Jo Henry of BML, explained: 'In the original report many publishers, particularly in the professional and academic sectors, were already confidently crossing the divide from print to digital; many others, however, were happy to adopt a "wait and see attitude". In 2011, it is increasingly clear that we can no longer wait and see. With the invaluable help of our cohort of contributing publishers, this new research will not only monitor what is happening now, but will attempt to predict what comes next – and the results will be fascinating.'

Contributors to the study will receive a report on the full findings. Topline results will be revealed at BML’s annual Books & Consumers Conference taking place in London on 23 March.

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