ALPSP announces award winners

The Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP)announced the winners of its 2011 awards at its international conference last week.

Cliff Morgan of John Wiley & Sons was given that ALPSP Award for Contribution to Scholarly Publishing. As the judges noted, he has worked in publishing for over 36 years, during which time he has been closely involved in special projects in the fields of digital preservation, funder mandates, article metrics, legal deposit and article versioning.

The ALPSP Award for Publishing Innovation was given to Your Better Life Index by the OECD.  This interactive tool presents statistics and raw data sets in a new and accessible way, and has quickly achieved increased awareness and usage of OECD publishing content, said the judges. Berg Fashion Library from Berg Publishers was given a highly-commended certificate.

The ALPSP Award for Best New Journal went to Chemical Science, published by RSC Publishing. The journal was launched to present high-quality, cutting-edge research across the chemical sciences. A highly-commended certificate in this category was given to Bioanalysis published by FutureScience.

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