ACCUCOMS launches publisher services in India

ACCUCOMS has launched representation services in India, with experienced local staff members who operate from New Delhi and Chennai. ACCUCOMS says that this development is in response to both to market developments and publishers' wishes.

Representation services in India will be based on the same approach used in Europe, North and Latin America and Turkey, says the company. All sales representatives speak local languages and bring detailed market knowledge with them.

'The Indian government has quadrupled its spending on education, and has indicated that it wants to double its spending on research. This makes India a very significant market for scholarly publishers. Our team’s in-depth knowledge of the publishing industry and extensive experience in managing a wide spectrum of clients enable ACCUCOMS to be seen as trustworthy business associate and publisher representative in the Indian market,' commented Rakesh Malik, commercial manager India of ACCUCOMS.

The company's managing director Pinar Erzin added: 'We have been following the development of the information industry in India closely. The only way publishers can penetrate this important but complex market is by operating from within. Our staff have a specialised focus on diverse regions in India, which allows publishers to pinpoint and develop specific opportunities. The current team covers North and South India, and we will complement the team with regional managers in Mumbai and Kolkata.'

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