Springer boosts social science programme
Springer has acquired 29 journals from Transaction Publishers to strengthen its social-sciences position.
Springer has acquired 29 journals from Transaction Publishers to strengthen its social-sciences position.
Cambridge Information Group (CIG) has acquired ProQuest Information and Learning, which it will combine with its CSA subsidiary.
Two major technology providers are joining together to form Publishing Technology.
Emerald and Multilingual Matters have both chosen ScholarOne's Manuscript Central as their online peer-review systems.
Wiley has finalised its acquisition of Blackwell Publishing.
The Royal Society has registered all of its historical back-file content with CrossRef.
JSTOR and Atypon Systems have teamed up to develop a new software platform for publications archived with JSTOR.
Eugene Garfield has received the 2006 Online Information LifetimeAchievement Award in recognition of more than 50 years of dedication, leadership and innovation in the…
CrossRef has reached agreements with three new partners to include hundreds of journals from Africa and Asia in its linking network.
Scirus, Elsevier’s free science-specific search engine, is partnering with The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) to index its repository, the HKUST…