Semantico implements Shibboleth for Brill

UK-based Semantico, a provider of services and technology for online publishing, has upgraded Koninklijke Brill's access management system, so it is now Shibboleth-enabled.

The Shibboleth protocol is Semantico's standard for identity-based access. This latest implementation follows several others undertaken for publishers in recent months, indicating growing mainstream acceptance of the protocol.

Over the last five years, Semantico has worked with the Netherlands-based scholarly publisher to develop a range of online publications to match the publisher’s academic output. The Brill website supports discovery and display in complex living and dead languages, in products such as New Pauly, the Encyclopeadia of Islam, and the Encyclopaedia of the Qur’ân.

Sam Bruinsma, Business Development Director of Brill said: 'Increasingly we are meeting requests from library customers and library consortia around the world to provide them with Shibboleth. In the US, Europe and Australia this protocol to facilitate single sign-on access becomes more and more the new standard.'

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