Accelerating the advance of scholarly communications
What role can scholarly societies fill in the era of, ResearchGate and LinkedIn? Publishers, societies and academics met on the first day of…
What role can scholarly societies fill in the era of, ResearchGate and LinkedIn? Publishers, societies and academics met on the first day of…
London Book Fair’s events have not traditionally catered much for the scholarly publishing community, but that changed in 2015 with the launch of the…
Only a few years ago, the world of higher education was awash with excitement over the MOOC, or massive open online course. The three…
For a long time measures of research impact have revolved around the citations that published works received, a practice that has often drawn criticism…
Neil Block, vice president of discovery innovation, academic libraries for EBSCO Information ServicesDiscovery refers to the unearthing of scholarly information in support of research…
Information should be at the heart of global development and IFLA has been working hard to make sure it is firmly on the UN’s…