Survey: evolving roles in academia
Digital Science survey to assess evolving roles in academia, challenges on the horizon, and the impact of technology
Digital Science survey to assess evolving roles in academia, challenges on the horizon, and the impact of technology
APE conference panel to debate the role of Sustainable Development Goals in scholarly publishing
Survey aims to find out how open access publishing models are impacting your institution
Kudos has announced the publication of its ‘Brave New World’ study
Help us better understand the awareness and perception of engineering/physics resources that librarians/information professionals can access on behalf of researchers, practitioners and students
Following the success of our 2019 event, the Research Information team is planning the agenda for its 2020 Challenges in the Scholarly Publishing Cycle…
Sophie Goldsworthy and Ben Denne sift through 5,000 responses from HSS researchers
Readers of Research Information – both librarians and publishers/vendors – are being encouraged to take part in a survey to help us shape our…
Publishers are being asked for their opinions for research that will be reported at this year's UKSG Annual Conference, to be held in Telford…
Librarians are in the top five professional groups the public believe are most likely to provide trustworthy information