Trends in Augmentation of Human Performance

Sscientific publisher Springer has launched a book series entitled Trends in Augmentation of Human Performance.

The series will focus on the enhancement of human skills, attributes and competencies through the use of technology, medicine and therapy. Approximately three books per year are planned.

Three areas of human performance enhancement will be covered by the series: enhancement of human performance to restore normal human capability from the disabled or dysfunctional, enhancement of human performance to superhuman levels, and ethical consequences of the first two topics.

The series editor is Vassilis Cutsuridis, of King’s College London. All books in the series will be available in print and as eBooks via SpringerLink (

The series is made up of research monographs, introductory and advanced level textbooks, edited volumes and proceedings. Topics will include the restoration of sight, hearing, memory and mobility in the disabled, and enhanced memory and the augmentation of vision, hearing, and strength to superhuman levels.

The first volume, Cognitive Enhancement: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, edited by Elisabeth Hildt of the University of Mainz, Germany, and Andreas Franke of the University Medical Center Mainz, was published in June.

Martijn Roelandse, publishing editor for neuroscience at Springer, said: 'In the second decade of the 21st century, the convergence of the neurosciences including neuroimaging, genetics, cognitive science, neurotechnology and informatics is creating powerful tools that have the potential to significantly improve human performance.

'To meet this challenge, this new Springer book series will publish works of the highest quality that advance the understanding and practical application of human performance enhancement.'

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