Springer Content Solutions for Industry

Springer is offering customised collections of professional, scientific, technical and medical books, journals, reference works and protocols. These are said to be specifically organised for the needs of companies heavily active in research, development and marketing activities.

Springer Content Solutions for Industry covers a variety of fields, including: Automotive & Transportation, Banking & Finance, Chemical Manufacturing, Computers/High Tech, Food & Agriculture, Medical Services Providers, Oil, Petroleum & Gas, Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology and Telecommunications.

Springer Content Solutions are available 24/7 through SpringerLink. They are searchable by subject area, keyword, publications title, topic or author. There is no limit to concurrent user access within an institution to subscribed content. All content is accessible using an internet browser and Adobe Reader.

The collections include more than 25,000 e-books for researchers and scientists, as well as 1,700 journals organised in 13 subject collections. They also include an online archive collection of two million records, comprising approximately 900 journals, and more than 18,000 protocols in biomedicine and life sciences.

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