Silverchair: Powerful Platform Flexibility for What’s Next


Silverchair collaborates with publishers to rejuvenate existing online products and launch new products designed to meet the evolving information and workflow needs of scholarly and professional audiences.

They are a comprehensive partner designed for top-tier STM publishers who demand high responsiveness to their tactical and strategic needs. Their services include executive product strategy, user experience and responsive web design, semantic content enrichment, site technical development and deployment, advanced analytics and audience profiling, and hands-on support.

The SCM6 Product Development Platform enables highly flexible integrations of varied content assets to create unique scholarly and professional information products. They provide an integrated suite of SCM6 Publisher Tools to put power and control into the publisher’s hands for efficient content management, product/subscription management, and site management. The Bottom Line: Silverchair is the partner best equipped with the technical and strategic flexibility to help publishers thrive (not just survive!) in the present and future landscape of scholarly and professional publishing.

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