Semantico Access Management System
Semantico has extended its international Shibboleth support, which gives users single sign-on to information. Shibboleth integration is available as an additional component to the Semantico Access Management System (SAMS).
Semantico now support Shibboleth integration for the following countries: UK (UKAMF); Switzerland (SWITCH); Finland (HAKA); France (Renater); Germany (DFN); Norway (FEIDE); Ireland (Edugate); Spain (SIR); Netherlands (SURFnet); USA (InCommon); Australia (MAMS); Sweden (SWAMID); and Denmark (DK).
'It’s vitally important that readers aren’t prevented from reading the resources they need by complexity in access management,' said Richard Padley, managing director, Semantico. 'Removing barriers to access is really important in driving up readership. Publishers are increasingly aware that allowing readers to log-in using Shibboleth, wherever they are in the world, removes the need for the user to remember a different log-in for that resource and increases readership for online publications.'