Science of Synthesis Version 3.5

Science of Synthesis Version 3.5 is now available. Science of Synthesis, from Thieme, is an in-depth information resource available on synthetic methodology in organic chemistry.

The electronic information resource now contains 34 volumes, out of what will eventually be a total of 48 volumes. This upgraded version has a total of 195,000 reactions, with over 18,000 new reactions. The newly added content consists of volumes 29 and 31.

‘Many of the product classes included in the Version 3.5 release are of a very fundamental interest to the synthetic organic chemist. Volume 29 covers oxygenand halogen-based acetals, including a wide range of carbohydrate derivatives, while Volume 31 spans a huge spectrum of aryl-heteroatom chemistry,’ says Mark Smith, senior scientific editor of Science of Synthesis.

Developed in cooperation with InfoChem, Science of Synthesis allows substructure, exact structure, reaction, combined keyword, and full-text searches. Within the application, users can choose between multiple structure drawing tools (ISIS Draw, Java Applet, and ChemDraw).

Its compatibility with SFX assists librarians in navigating literature requests of Science of Synthesis users to resources and services relevant to their search queries.

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