
RefWorks can now organise RSS feeds from multiple sources. This allows users to establish links to favourite RSS feeds and import data from those feeds directly into RefWorks. This is said to provide users with a single source to capture, organise, store and manipulate data generated by multiple information resources.

Another enhancement to RefWorks provides seamless, automated linking between RefWorks and PubMed. Any records imported from PubMed can be displayed in RefWorks with a PubMed Links icon. Hyperlinks allow users to view records in PubMed rather than RefWorks, search for related articles or search for additional articles by particular authors. In addition, the Quick Search area in RefWorks now supports PubMed’s advanced tagged searching.

These feature enhancements are available to all RefWorks users. Users can access the new benefits without having to re-load software or make any other changes to their RefWorks accounts.

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