Réanimation and Annals of Intensive Care

Two journals of the Société de réanimation de langue française (SRLF), a French intensive care society, will be published by Springer this year. The titles are:  Réanimation, formerly published by Elsevier, and a new, open-access journal in English called Annals of Intensive Care (AIC).

The journal Réanimation will continue to publish review articles for the continuing education of doctors working in intensive care medicine, but will now also feature original articles. The journal is published in French every two months and is distributed using the traditional subscription model.

Annals of Intensive Care, an open-access, e-only journal, is published in English. The SRLF sees this as an ideal opportunity to present scientific papers by intensive care practitioners from French-speaking countries and promote the aims of the society at an international level.

'We were very interested in the innovative proposal of Springer. It allows us to pursue our goals for continued medical education in French and at the same time, through the new open-access journal in English, make scientific papers by intensive care specialists from French-speaking regions more widely available,' said Jean Reignier, chairman of the SRLF.

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