Primo Central Index

Ex Libris, a provider of library automation solutions, has announced an agreement with Swets, to enable mutual customers to search the SwetsWise Online Content database via the Primo Central Index of scholarly electronic materials.

The SwetsWise Online Content database covers the metadata and abstracts of over 40 million articles and 14,500 full-text scientific periodicals from more than 5,700 publishers.

The Primo Central Index, offered as a cloud-based service to hundreds of libraries around the globe, is an integral part of the Ex Libris Primo discovery and delivery solution.

Primo enables users to fulfill their information needs by exploring their library’s locally managed collections along with global and regional resources indexed in Primo Central, and to obtain one blended, relevance-ranked result list.

Frans van Ette, business development director at Swets, said: 'Our overriding goal is to help customers increase the usage and impact of their acquired content. The Primo Central Index will enable SwetsWise Online Content subscribers to carry out their research within the library’s discovery interface, without losing the rapid, seamless access that SwetsWise Online Content provides.

'The Ex Libris strategy of supporting scholarship through superior technology aligns with our commitment to enabling libraries to offer cutting-edge and comprehensive resources to their users.'


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