NPJ Parkinson's Disease

This week has seen the launch of NPJ Parkinson’s Disease, an open access journal entirely dedicated to research aimed at helping the scientific community to understand, mitigate, and eventually cure Parkinson’s disease. The journal is the result of a partnership between Nature Publishing Group (NPG) and the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation (PDF).
NPJ Parkinson’s Disease will publish high quality research that is online-only, and free to access, enabling academics, clinicians and patients to stay up to date with the latest research.
'The Parkinson’s Disease Foundation is thrilled to collaborate with the Nature Publishing Group on the creation of this new journal. Now is the time to encourage scientific research and to ensure that it is shared openly with the patient and scientific communities,' said Robin Anthony Elliott, president of PDF.
Paul Zimmet, a research advocate with the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation, added: 'I applaud NPG and PDF for bringing together high quality science and a commitment to both patient engagement and transparency. For the seven to 10 million of us living with Parkinson’s disease worldwide, NPJ Parkinson’s Disease will provide the information needed to demystify scientific research. This, hopefully, will help encourage involvement by people with Parkinson’s in all stages of the research continuum.'
Martin Delahunty, global head of partnership journals at Nature Publishing Group, said: 'The PDF is the first foundation that we have worked with, and one which has a strong patient advocacy mission, as well as funding scientific research. These objectives align perfectly with the aims of open science. Open access publishing will enable us to build the journal as a knowledge resource for scientists, medical practitioners, policymakers and people living with Parkinson's disease. To extend the impact and reach of the published research we will make freely available lay summaries which sit alongside the original high-quality research.'