npj Genomic Medicine

Nature Publishing Group is partnering with the Center of Excellence in Genomic Medicine Research (CEGMR), King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia to publish NPJ Genomic Medicine.

NPJ Genomic Medicine will be a high quality open-access research journal that will publish the most important scientific advances in all aspects of genomics and its application in the practice of medicine.
Genomic medicine is an area with huge potential. It is hoped that by understanding a person’s genome, we could eventually investigate and discover the best medical care and approach for any condition, raising the prospect of preventative care that is both individualised and pre-emptive.
Martin Delahunty, global head of partnerships, open research at Nature Publishing Group, said: 'The human genome was first sequenced 12 years ago, but its application and impact on medicine is only now beginning to take effect. We’re excited to partner with the Center of Excellence in Genomic Medicine Research, and with Prof. Stephen W. Scherer.'
The journal will be published via open access, which means that all research will be freely available upon publication, and can be accessed by anyone, from scientists to clinicians and patients. The editor-in-chief, Prof Stephen Scherer, PhD, is a renowned scientist whose research has transformed the understanding of human genetic variation and its role in disorders such as autism.

Scherer directs The Centre for Applied Genomics at The Hospital for Sick Children and the University of Toronto McLaughlin Centre. He founded the Database of Genomic Variants used by clinical diagnostic laboratories worldwide.
Scherer said: 'Our aim is that this journal will publish the very best papers in genomic medicine from around the world, and we look forward to seeing that research ultimately improve the lives of many.'

NPJ Genomic Medicine is the first Nature partner journal to have a partner based in the Middle East. The Center of Excellence in Genomic Medicine Research was established in 2007 at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and has ambitious plans to grow and establish an international relationship through research and partnership.
Prof. Mohammed Hussein Al-Qahtani, director and founder of the CEGMR, said: 'We are delighted to announce, with Nature Publishing Group, the launch of NPJ Genomic Medicine. This important event marks our achieving one of The Center of Excellence in Genomic Medicine Research’s main goals, which is to strive to improve human health through outstanding publications in Medical Genomics.'

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