LabArchives BioMed Central Edition

BioMed Central has partnered with LabArchives to make datasets supporting peer-reviewed publications available and permanently linked to online publications – and available under terms which permit reuse freely, as Open Data.

A growing number of repositories for scientific datasets – which with persistent identification can be cited in and linked from published articles – are available but many fields still lack an obvious repository, say the partners. And some scientists who are willing to share data may, understandably, be reluctant to deposit data in a repository with which they are not familiar, or which cannot guarantee permanence, or perhaps has suboptimal or ambiguous licensing terms.

LabArchives is an Electronic Laboratory Notebook that enables individual scientists to manage, share and publish data files, providing an accessible platform for sharing and publication that is controlled by authors themselves. As part of this partnership, all BioMed Central authors are entitled to an enhanced free version of LabArchives. This ‘BioMed Central Edition’ of the software offers additional storage capacity compared to the standard free edition, integrated manuscript submission to BioMed Central journals, along with open-data publishing features.

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