IEEE eLearning Library

IEEE has launched the IEEE eLearning Library. The IEEE eLearning Library is composed of nearly 200 short, online courses in core and emerging technologies. Each course was developed and peer-reviewed by subject experts. The courses also award continuing education units (CEU) or professional development hours (PDH) upon successful completion.

IEEE eLearning Library courses can be viewed in the IEEE Xplore digital library and accessed via the IEEE Learning Management System (LMS). The IEEE LMS allows users to keep track of their courses and progress, then print out the continuing-education certificates that they have earned. Users can choose between introductory, intermediate and advanced levels for many subjects, learn on their own schedule, and resume a course where they left off at any time, says IEEE. Courses range from one to three hours in length and include notes, a glossary of terms and a post-test. Topics range from smart grid and biometrics to telecommunications and green engineering.

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