HFSP Journal, Frontiers of Interdisciplinary Research in the Life Sciences

HFSP Publishing is launching the HFSP Journal, Frontiers of Interdisciplinary Research in the Life Sciences to foster communication between scientists publishing innovative interdisciplinary research at the interface between biology and the physical sciences. According to HFSP, scientists working in fields at the interface between the life sciences and physics, chemistry, mathematics, engineering or informatics tend to publish in a wide variety of often specialised, discipline-specific journals, and so their work may not be read by the professional audience for whom it is most relevant.

The HFSP Journal offers its authors the option to pay a fee to make their research articles open access immediately upon publication. For other articles, access is limited to subscribers for the first six months after publication, and access will be free thereafter. The HFSP Journal will be published online and in print. The first articles will appear online in December 2006 and the first issue will be published in March 2007.

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