Gerontology titles

Oxford Journals and The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) are partnering to publish GSA’s three journals from 2009. The titles are: The Gerontologist, and The Journals of Gerontology: Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences and Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences.

First published as one journal in 1946, The Journal of Gerontology was said to be the first journal on ageing to be published in the United States. In 1961 it became the three separate publications. The Journals of Gerontology, Series A and Series B, cover a broad range of approaches. The Gerontologist is a bimonthly journal that provides a multidisciplinary perspective on human ageing through the publication of research and analysis in gerontology, including social policy, programme development, and service delivery.

Oxford Journals is digitising the back archive of The Gerontologist and The Journals of Gerontology. Content dating back to volume one, issue one will be included in the Oxford Journals Archive in 2009.

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