EBSCO is making two INIST-CNRS databases available on EBSCOhost. PASCAL is a multilingual, multidisciplinary database covering science, technology and medicine. FRANCIS is a multidisciplinary database providing humanities and social sciences coverage.

PASCAL offers bibliographic indexing for more than 13 million records. The database provides coverage of science, technology and medicine with special emphasis on European content. Source documents include journal articles, books, conference proceedings, dissertations, books, patents and reports. Keyword searching can be carried out in French, English and Spanish, regardless of the original language of the article.

FRANCIS offers bibliographic indexing for more than 2.5 million records with subject headings available in English and in French. FRANCIS provides multilingual resourcing (additional indexing in Spanish for specific content) and covers more than 2,300 periodicals in a wide range of business and social-science subject areas.

The agreement is said to provide for extensive backfile coverage for both PASCAL and FRANCIS. PASCAL content is available back to 1984 and FRANCIS content is available back to 1972. EBSCO will be the first provider to offer FRANCIS archives from 1972 to 1984. Previously FRANCIS was only available from 1984 to the present.

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