EBSCO Discovery Service
Rich book and multimedia data from Baker & Taylor will be available as part of EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS).
EDS is designed to provide a single entry point and fast access to a library’s entire collection—including local loading of the OPAC. The addition of rich content from Baker & Taylor promises to offer patrons a fuller user experience, bringing more exposure and usage to the collection.
Baker & Taylor provides information on books, e-books, A/V materials and more than 10 million data elements. These include book jackets with full-colour images, publisher annotations, family keys and display of selected subject headings.
Customers can also elect to include additional data from Baker & Taylor such as tables of contents information, subject descriptors, display of complete list of subject headings, professionally-written summaries, book excerpts (first chapters), author biographies, awards information, review citations, additional bibliographies, options for a results limiting to include Baker & Taylor data and the ability to include patron-driven wish lists/purchase options.