EBSCO Discovery Service and EBSCOhost

Two databases from EBSCO, Discovery Service and EBSCOhost, now support more languages. The data base and electronic journal provider has developed existing Unicode compliance standards in EBSCOhost, which enable string match searching for 90 languages, to provide improved language-specific searching for more than 40 of the most common languages.

EBSCO claims these developments offer library users with improved search results whether the search begins in EBSCO Discovery Service or EBSCOhost databases. In addition, with both databases, users can combine search terms in many languages, within a single search.

While continuing to make improvements to the non-English language searching that EBSCO currently supports, developers have also targeted more difficult languages including Arabic, Greek, Hebrew and Russian. Improvements to Chinese, Japanese and Korean searches have also been made as these are often the most technically challenging languages for keyword searching.

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