EBSCO Discovery Service

IGI Global journals and reference books will be searchable via EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS). An agreement between EBSCO and IGI Global will allow metadata for 131 journals and more than 1,500 reference books to be added to the Base Index of EDS. Metadata that will be available via EDS include IGI Global’s peer reviewed journals and its collection of reference books.

In addition, the reference content from Credo Reference will be discoverable within EDS. Metadata from Credo General Reference, Credo Topic Pages and Publisher Collections will be added to the EDS Base Index. The addition of this rich and extensive content will impact searchers using the EDS single search interface by providing reference content and overviews of top research topics within discovery.

Content from Credo General Reference includes nearly 10,000 Credo Topic Pages, which provide overview, background and connections to additional library resources, and Credo Reference Publisher Collections, which offer subject-specific reference titles.

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