Virtual event promises real-world interaction

The countdown to Research Information’s annual event – CISPC 2020 – has well and truly begun.
Our 2020 conference will build on the success of last year’s event by providing librarians and information professionals with deeper knowledge and understanding of communication strategies for open research.
In an increasingly open world – encompassing open research, open science and open data – some of the biggest challenges are around educating researchers about the changes they have to make to their working practices.
We’ll also be reflecting on the research landscape in a post-Covid world – the changes we’ve had to make this year, the medium-term outlook, and long-lasting – if not permanent – ways in which the scholarly publishing cycle will have to adjust in future years.
At CISPC 2020, we will be bringing together speakers from around the world that have developed effective scholarly communication strategies within their own institutions, and who will share their experiences and expertise with fellow scholarly communication professionals.
We’re also increasing the time available for table discussions, enabling delegates to share and learn from each other in an informal environment.
Research Information is delighted that the event is being kindly sponsored by ISSN and Clarivate Analytics.
Latest plans
It was our intention to deliver a full, live ‘in person’ event at London Art House at the end of November, as past events have shown that’s the best way to encourage interaction and shared best practice among the scholarly communications community.
While in the light of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic a decision has been made to deliver a fully virtual event, CISPC 2020 will offer delegates, presenters and moderators the chance to network and take part in as much social interaction as possible by means of online arrangements. There will be break-out rooms and plenty of opportunity for delegates to meet presenters and sponsors throughout the two-day event on 30 November and 1 December.
We will once again providing an excellent environment for librarians and information professionals to learn from and engage with their peers about how to overcome challenges in the scholarly publishing cycle.
Conference themes
• Best practice changes post-Covid
• Streamlining the process of open submissions
• Best practice in submitting, storing and accessing open and FAIR data
• Implementing software/browser tools to aid open research processes
• Effective communication of approaches to open research
Among the speakers confirmed for the event are:
• Rachel Bruce, head of open science, UK research and innovation;
• Martin Jagerhorn, FAIR Funder Alliance (FFA);
• Liz Bal, director of open research services, Jisc;
• Alenka Princic, head of research support at Delft University of Technology Library, Netherlands;
• Danielle S. Apfelbaum, scholarly communication librarian , Farmingdale State College, USA: and
• Anita Schjøll Brede, CEO and co-founder,
Who should attend?
Librarians/information professionals wanting to improve researcher support and communication in the open research era; researchers/academics wanting to understand the benefits and challenges of delivering open research; publishers who want to develop platforms and submission channels that support the open research agenda; vendors/service providers of tools that serve open research; and any of the above that wants to know what the research landscape will look like in a post-Covid world.
• Delegate rates: academics/librarians £60; vendors/publishers £200
• CISPC is being organised in partnership with Info International. Visit for more details