A venue like no other


This year’s CISPC event, entitled Delivering the Open Research Agenda, returns to a conference venue like no other – London Art House.

A former printing factory on Islington’s Britannia Row, this venue has been transformed into a unique facility showcasing art from around the world and providing a stimulating environment for presentations, group discussions and networking.

London Art House comprises rooms including the Orangery, the Picasso Room, the Rococo Suite, and the Egyptian Room – we guarantee you won’t have seen a conference facility quite like it! What’s more, it’s located deep in the trendy London Borough of Islington – packed with bars, restaurants and beautiful residential side-streets.

CISPC 2019 will provide librarians and information professionals with an invaluable insight into best practice for delivering the open research agenda.

Speakers at the event will include: 

• Rachel Bruce, head of open research at UK Research and Innovation, speaking on ‘The open research landscape: a funder’s perspective’

• Rachael Kotarski, head of research infrastructure services, British Library, and Christine Ferguson, information scientist (EMBL-EBI), speaking on ‘Identifiers for navigating research’;

• Lauren Cadwallader, deputy manager of scholarly communication at Cambridge University on ‘Cambridge’s Journey on the Road to Open Research;

• Martin Eve, professor of literature, technology and publishing at Birkbeck, University of London; on ‘Plan S, Alternative Business Models, and Open Access Monographs’;

• Dr Robert Darby, research data manager and Karen Rowlett, research publications adviser, University of Reading Library, on ‘Changing Sharing Culture at the University of Reading’;

• Catherine Parker, collections and scholarly communications librarian, University of Huddersfield, on ‘Supporting Researchers in HE’; and 

• Simon Ross, chief executive of Manchester University Press, on ‘Manchesterhive and an Institutional Response to Open Access’.

The event will appeal to librarians/information professionals wanting to improve researcher support and communication in the open research era; researchers/academics wanting to understand the benefits and challenges of delivering open research; publishers who want to develop platforms and submission channels that support the open research agenda; and vendors/service providers of tools that serve open research.

CISPC 2019, organised by Research Information with Info International, is fully catered and includes networking breaks, lunch and a drinks reception. Delegate rates are £100 for academics and librarians, and £250 for vendors/publishers. For more details visit https://cispc-event.com.

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