Updated Transfer Code of Practice for journal transfer released

The UKSG Transfer Working Group has released Version 3.0 of its Code of Practice for public comment.

Key updates deal with new content types, HTTP redirects, subscriber types, nomenclature, and communication. Public review and comment are invited between now and 6 September.  

The Transfer Code of Practice is a set of voluntary guidelines for publishers involved in any journal transfer. It covers issues including ongoing access provision to online content, exchange of subscriber lists, DOI and URL transfer, as well as perpetual access rights to journal content.

Over the last year the Transfer Working Group has revised and improved upon the current version of the Code.

After the public review period, the Transfer Working Group will review the comments and decide if any revisions are needed to the Code in light of comments received. Once this is done, the Transfer Code of Practice v3.0 will be formally released, and publishers will be asked to agree to follow the new version.

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