Universidad Complutense de Madrid picks Summon

The Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) has adopted the Summon  web-scale discovery service from ProQuest's Serial Solutions. Librarians at UCM have also chosen to implement 360 Counter to gain better insight into the use of their library’s e-resources.

The UCM Library presently holds more than three million volumes, of which 200,000 are rare, antiquarian works of incalculable value. The UCM Library has made a clear commitment to the acquisition of digital content, with more than 35,000 electronic journals, 200 databases and thousands of e-books. UCM has also digitised more than 100,000 books to be viewed online without restriction, publishes UCM scientific journals online and has an e-prints server to deposit the results of research carried out at the University.

'Our researchers want accurate and relevant search results immediately, similar to the experience they have when looking up information using popular search engines,' said Manuela Moreno Mancebo,  assistant director of technical services and acquisitions for the Universidad Complutense de Madrid Library.

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