UKSG lines up for Telford

The 2019 UKSG Conference and Exhibition will this year be held at the Telford International Centre, from 8 to 10 April.

The event, now in its 42nd year, is an important event in the scholarly communications industry calendar, and is equally highly regarded for its packed and influential conference programme, as it is for its busy exhibition and popular social scene. 

The first plenary session, entitled Sleepwalking Towards The Future and chaired by Helle Lauridsen, of Lyngsoe Systems, will feature the following presentations:
•    Overview, strategic direction and future for publishers and intermediaries, by Sam Brooks, of Ebsco Information Services;
•    Sleepwalking into the future: a library perspective, by Jessica Gardner, of the University of Cambridge; and
•    How publishers and librarians can support early career researchers in a changing publishing landscape, by Charlotte Mathieson, of the University of Surrey.

The second, Positioning Ourselves For The Future, will be chaired by Lorraine Estelle, of Counter. Presentations will include: Unconscious bias, by Femi Otitoju of the Challenge Consultancy; Skills and organisational culture: changes needed, by Nicola Wright, of the London School of Economics and Political Science; and a panel discussion led by Femi Otitotju and featuring Elizabeth Charles, of Birkbeck, University of London, Saskia Bewley of Hachette, and Masud Khokhar, of the University of York.

There will be a plethora of lighting sessions and breakout talks over the course of the two and a half days, with plenty of chances for delegates to visit the exhibition and to network with other attendees.

As usual, the first evening of the event will feature a supper and quiz, sponsored by the IET, and the second will include a reception, dinner, disco and bar.  

Telford is a large new town in the county of Shropshire and has one of the fastest-growing populations in the UK. On the town’s southern boundaries is the Ironbridge Gorge, a scenic tourist destination and UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

For more details about the event, the latest programme details, how to book, and accommodations options, visit The closing date for receipt of bookings is Friday 15 March. 

SSP pre-conference

The Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) is organising a pre-conference for Sunday, April 7, the day immediately preceding UKSG’s event.

The theme of the SSP pre-conference is ‘We’re not who we used to be’: shifting relationship dynamics and imbalances in an open access world. With representation from publishers, libraries, funders, intermediaries and the author-researcher community itself, the pre-conference will provide analysis and case studies of changing roles and inter-relationships across the scholarly community in the face of shifting OA business models.

Speakers at the pre-conference include researchers, policymakers, librarians and academics:

•    Rob Johnson – director, Research Consulting Limited;
•    Jess Wade – researcher, Imperial College London;
•    Rachel Frick – executive director, OCLC Research Library Partnership;
•    Rachael Lammey – head of community outreach, CrossRef;
•    Matthijs van Otegem – Erasmus University, Rotterdam and chair of open access working group, LIBER; and
•    Marion Bolan – head of research policy, Science Foundation Ireland.

Ann Michael, CEO of Delta Think, Scholarly Kitchen chef, and former SSP president, will moderate.

‘This is our first time organising a pre-conference with UKSG, and we’re very excited,’ said Mary Beth Barilla, SSP programme director. ‘It’s a great opportunity for us to bring SSP educational programming to a wider audience. With a mix of presentations and round-table discussions, the pre-conference will complement UKSG’s meeting programme with practical lessons that attendees can use in future planning around OA models and mandates.’

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