TIB joins as Keeper with ISSN International Centre

The TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology and University Library has become the 18th institution worldwide and the second in Germany to cooperate with the ISSN International Centre (https://www.issn.org). In future, all e-journals held by the TIB will be listed in the Keepers Registry (https://keepers.issn.org).
The TIB’s digital holdings of e-journals currently include approximately 2,500 journal titles, including Wiley e-journals under the DEAL-Wiley agreement (https://www.tib.eu/en/tib/news-and-events/news/details/open-access-im-normalmodus-der-deal-wiley-vertrag-tritt-zum-1-juli-in-kraft0) and Ukrainian Open Access journals (https://blogs.tib.eu/wp/tib/2023/09/19/electronic-preservation-project-for-ukrainian-open-access-journals-epp-ua-to-safeguard-research-content-during-the-war), which are harvested by the TIB.
Journals can be searched on this platform by their ISSN, their unique persistent identifier. This identifier enables libraries, repositories and archives to find out whether a particular issue of a journal has already been archived and who the ”keeper” of the journal is. In addition to the TIB, the ”keeper” are the e-journal archiving services Portico, CLOCKSS and global LOCKSS, as well as institutions such as the Library of Congress, the National Library of France, the National Library of the Netherlands, the National Digital Preservation Program China and the ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics.
The TIB has been using the Keepers Registry for many years to compare the archival status of different e-journals and to make informed decisions about which journals in the TIB collection should be prioritised for digital preservation.
”Having already used the Keepers portal as a research tool for years, we are now delighted to become a Keeper ourselves and to use this way to make our wide-ranging activities in digital preservation visible both nationally and internationally,” said Micky Lindlar, Team Leader Digital Preservation at the TIB. Thomas Bähr, Head of Preservation and Long-Term Archiving, added: ”Keepers offers the unique opportunity to make long-term archived holdings visible across institutions. This allows the identification of archival gaps, which is particularly important for the national task of ’dark archive’ archiving taken on by the TIB for the DEAL consortium.”
“The ISSN International Centre is proud to have the TIB join Keepers Registry. The participation of archiving agencies based in Europe is welcome and strengthens the diversity of the journal titles preserved. In the future, we hope to develop the contribution of agencies based in Africa, Asia and Oceania,” added Gaelle Bequet, Director of the ISSN International Centre.