So near, so spa…

It’s just a short wait until UKSG’s 2017 Conference and Exhibition, which will be held in the spa town of Harrogate from 10 to 12 April.

The event is a major three-day fixture in the scholarly communications calendar. The conference combines high-quality plenary presentations, lightning talks and breakout sessions with entertaining social events and a major trade exhibition. 

It covers a wide range of topics relevant to librarians, publishers, content providers and intermediaries, attracting around 900 delegates each year from around the world and presenting a great opportunity to network, keep up to date with trends and obtain practical information.  The event is open to everyone and UKSG members benefit from a significant discount on fees.

Delegates will be able to enjoy three days of presentations; plenary sessions will include ‘Threats and opportunities’, Access, ethics and piracy’, ‘Irresponsible publication practices,’ ‘Consolidating into a new Industry 2017,’ ‘Scholarly communications in the wider world,’ and ‘Post-Truth: the role of publishers and librarians.’

Aside from these, there will be a series of ‘breakout sessions’ running through the conference, on subjects as diverse as ‘New university presses and academic-led presses,’ ‘What does it mean to be a competent bibliometrician?’, and ‘How can you improve discoverability through richer metadata?

As ever, there will be a wide range of social activities, with a 70s party night on Monday 12 April, with a reception and conference dinner, followed by a band and bar, on Tuesday 13 April. The Tuesday evening’s events will have the theme ‘Ruby Tuesday’.

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