Sandra Unger receives IPI-Award 2013

Sandra Unger has been given the IPI-Award 2013 in recognition of her work for the Patent Information Users Group (PIUG) for nearly two decades. 

Starting in 1995, Unger served as the PIUG discussion list system operator, facilitating electronic communications in the pre-email days. By 1996, she had become the organisation’s vice chair, and afterwards held the position of chair. From 1998 to 2000, she ran the PIUG Annual Meetings and helped the organisation experience a surge in membership and participation, including expansion to the international community.

According to the awards committee, 'As well as her constancy in steering the PIUG and taking a leadership role as a critical driving force for the strategic vision, Sandra is credited with being involved in the incorporation of the PIUG and for taking personal risk to enable the forum to become a reality. Now that the PIUG is celebrating its 25th year, it is extremely fitting that Sandra Unger is being bestowed with the highly prestigious patent information industry accolade, the IPI-Award.'

On hearing the news, Unger expressed how deeply honored she was to be chosen for the award, adding that: 'Actually, "stunned" is a better term from my reaction!'

The IPI-Award announcement was made at the International Patent Information Conference, IPI-ConfEx in Seville, Spain on 11 March by Lucy Akers, chair of the international selection board, along with fellow selection board members present: Monika Hanelt, Gerhard Fischer, Tsutomo Kiryama and Aalt van De Kuilen. The award itself, consisting of a plaque and $3000 honorarium, is to be presented at the upcoming PIUG meeting in Alexandria, Virginia, USA at the special Gala Dinner on 29 April.

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