RSC teams up with ChemSpider on InChI Resolver
ChemZoo, host of ChemSpider, and the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) are working together to develop an InChI Resolver. This free service will enable scientists to share chemical structures and data.
The InChI, an IUPAC standard identifier for compounds, allows scientists to share and contribute their own molecular data and search millions of others from many web sources. The new RSC/ChemSpider InChI Resolver, which will be based on ChemSpider's existing database of over 21 million chemical compounds, should provide tools for researchers to create standard InChI data for their own compounds. It will also enable them to create and use search engine-friendly InChIKeys to search for compounds, and deposit their data for others to use in the future.
‘The wider adoption and unambiguous use of the InChI standard will be an important development in the way chemistry is published in the future, and the further development of the semantic web,’ comments Robert Parker, managing director of RSC Publishing.