Researchers in South Caucasus countries get online

The Black Sea Interconnection (BSI) project is to build a regional research and education network among South Caucasus countries and link them to GÉANT2, the high bandwidth, pan-European research network. This flagship project will allow Caucasian research communities to participate effectively in joint research and educational activities with the rest of Europe. The European Commission is providing funding for the BSI project within 7th Framework Programme for R&D .

‘Building on the excellent results achieved in South-Eastern Europe, the BSI project aims at reducing the digital divide between the countries surrounding the Black Sea and Europe,’ said Viviane Reding, EU commissioner for information society and media. ‘Our support to research network infrastructures not only facilitates cooperation of scientists on a global scale but also provides access to modern online services which have significant impact on sectors like medicine, education and meteorology. These are tangible benefits for both researchers and the whole population.’

The Black Sea Interconnection project runs for 24-months from 1 March 2008 onwards. The regional network and the connection to GÉANT2 is planned to be operational later in 2008.

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