RCUK gathers evidence in OA review

Research Councils UK (RCUK) has launched a call for evidence for the 2014 review of the implementation of the RCUK policy on open access.

The independent review focuses on implementation of the RCUK Open Access policy. The aim is to try and understand the effectiveness of the policy and its impact on universities, research organisations, researchers and publishers, amongst others.

Robert Burgess, chair of the Independent Review Panel, explained: 'This is an open call and the review panel will be interested to hear from individuals, institutions and organisations alike where there is evidence of how the implementation of the RCUK Policy on Open Access is having an impact. Although we recognise that this review is taking place early in the policy’s implementation period, it is a good opportunity to take stock and we hope that as much evidence as possible is put forward to the review.'

The deadline for submissions is 12 September 2014. The panel will report its interim findings to RCUK Executive Group by the end of 2014 and a full report is expected in the first part of 2015.

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