R2R announces timetable, workshops and forum


If you have already registered for the 2023 Researcher to Reader Conference, then you are amongst a discerning and growing crowd, as we have higher levels of registrations than ever before at this point.  If, however, you have not yet registered to join us at the fully-hybrid meeting on 21-22 February in London and online, then it makes sense to register today – it’s totally risk-free, as you can cancel for a full refund anytime until the end of January.

This email has a few announcements:

  • The timetable for the R2R programme
  • The list of the topics for the R2R workshops
  • A brand new online forum for the R2R community


The conference programme will run from 10am to 6pm UK time, on both 21 and 22 February, with the first workshop session starting at 11:30am, which is a slightly challenging, but not impossible, 6:30am start for online participants in Eastern USA time zone. The full timetable can be seen on the website.


Our collaborative workshop discussions are a popular part of our programme, and operated very effectively in a fully-hybrid format last February. The workshop topics (and facilitators) for February 2023 are listed below, with more details on the website.

A: Strategies for Improving Sustainability
How can we better communicate SDG-related research, to influence policy?
Gerald Beasley, Nikita Lad, Ratna Lindawati Lubis, Jo Wixon, and Roger Worthington

B: Open Access Requirements for Books:
How can we support authors with requirements for open access to books?
Mithu Lucraft, Valerie McCutcheon and Ros Pyne

C: Bridging the Funder Mandate Gap
How can research data managers and publishers support funder mandates?
Kirsty Merrett, Lou Peck and Megan Taylor

D: Research Integrity Tools
What research integrity tools could support researchers?
Christina Emery, Ed Gerstner, Laura Graham-Clare, Hazel Newton and others

E: Challenges in Supporting Inclusiveness
How can we approach inclusiveness in a sustainable and scalable way?

Facilitators to be announced later

In January, the R2R participants who have already registered, and anyone who is newly registering, will be asked to indicate their preferred workshop.


We have a new online forum for the Researcher to Reader community. This is in response to suggestions from R2R participants, and is also prompted by the increasingly erratic and toxic nature of some social media platforms.

The R2R forum is, at heart, an online venue for people to discover more information about the current conference programme, as each session has its own discussion thread. We anticipate that it may be particularly useful for the workshops, as a venue to explore and report on the questions under discussion, both before and after the conference meetings. It is also potentially a place for a much wider conversations about both scholarly communication and the conferences in this sector

Please visit the forum and have a look around. You are very welcome to join the forum and make comments on any of the topics listed, or to introduce new topics. If we can get some momentum behind this conversation, the forum could become a really valuable space for discussion amongst the whole scholarly communications community. Please visit the forum here: www.r2rconf.community.forum.

If you have not yet registered for the R2R Conference, please do so via the website now. Whether you have already registered, or are registering today, please let your colleagues and people in your network know about your wise choice, and encourage them to join you.

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