Proquest buys Dialog

ProQuest will acquire the Dialog business of Thomson Reuters. The acquisition is expected to allow ProQuest to deepen its penetration in the corporate library and professional research markets with a valued brand, authoritative content and precision search tools.   

‘Dialog is a highly respected source of information and a trusted brand for libraries, so it is an exceptionally good fit in the ProQuest family,’ said ProQuest CEO Marty Kahn. ‘The companies' content and market strengths complement each other.’

Dialog will continue to distribute Thomson Reuters content after the transaction. This includes databases such as Derwent World Patents Index, Investext, TrademarkScan, SciSearch and BIOSIS.

Founded 40 years ago by Roger Summit, Dialog was the world's first online information retrieval system to be used globally with commercially important databases. Dialog online-based information services cover business, science, engineering, finance and law.

ProQuest’s plans for the Dialog business include refreshing its platforms, evolving them to meet the needs of today's information professional, as well as exploring new products and renovating existing products.

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