Plum Analytics partners with ORCID


Researchers can now connect with their scholarly activities and contribution while also tracking the impact of their work using a combination of Open Research and Contributer ID (ORCID) and PlumX from Plum Analytics, part of EBSCO. 

ORCID is an open, non-profit, community-driven effort to create and maintain a registry of unique researcher identifiers. It allows researchers to distinguish their research activities from those of others with similar names by creating a unique ORCID record.

Similarly, researchers can create PlumX profiles to track information on how their research output is being utilised, interacted with, and talked about around the world. The process delivers a more complete picture of research and answers questions about research impact by gathering data such as articles, clinical trials, blog posts, grants, books, theses, dissertations, webpages and more.


Plum Analytics’ president Andrea Michalek says the integration of ORCID and PlumX profiles makes it simple to track the work of researchers at a particular institution. Executive director of ORCID Laure Haak agrees that working with PlumX will provide more information to researchers. ‘ORCID addresses a problem shared by individuals and organisations across the research community: Reliably connecting a researcher with their research while also allowing them to see who is using and talking about their work.’


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