Oxford Journals deposits NIH-funded articles into PubMed Central

Oxford Journals has announced it will deposit articles published in any of its journals, identified by the authors as being funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), into PubMed Central (PMC).

Martin Richardson, managing director of Oxford Journals, commented: ‘Already all of our open-access articles are being deposited into PMC. Now any NIH-funded authors who publish their articles in one of our journals will not need to deposit them into PMC themselves – Oxford Journals will do so for no charge on their behalf.'

Any NIH-funded manuscripts submitted to Oxford Journals from 31 July 2008 onwards will be identified and tagged, and the final published version will then be sent to PMC for them to include on their platform. NIH-funded articles which are open access will be available immediately, and those which are not open access will be available after 12 months.

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