New white paper: Global perspectives on research management

This white paper from Springer Nature brings together insights from eight Research Management and Administration (RMA) experts around the globe, on the growing role of research managers.
With global research spending increasing rapidly, and a growing emphasis on international collaborations, professional management of research is essential. University leaders around the world are starting to see the value of building a sustainable research office, along with the research manager role. However, in many respects these roles are still highly adapted to their local research and funding environments.
To understand the growing trends in research management, and how the research manager’s role is changing in light of global challenges, we interviewed senior representatives of Research Management and Administration (RMA) organisations in Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe, North and South America. Download the white paper and get the latest insights from these eight experts:
Dr. Andrew Bailey, President of the Southern African Research and Innovation Management Association (SARIMA)
Dr. Tania Bezzobs, President of the Australasian Research Management Society (ARMS)
Dr. Evelina Brännvall, Chair of the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA)
Dr. Alasdair Cameron, Chief Executive Officer of the Association of Research Managers and Administrators in the UK (ARMA UK)
Prof. Shaliza Ibrahim, President of the Malaysia Association of Research Managers and Administrators (MyRMA)
Juliana Juk, President of the Brazilian Research Administration and Management Association (BRAMA)
Dr. Anne Maglia, President (2022–2023) of the National Organization of Research Development Professionals in North America (NORDP)
Dr. Therina Theron, Past-President of the Southern African Research and Innovation Management Association (SARIMA)
Provides insights on the growing role of Research Managers in light of:
Navigating international collaborations
Developing and managing equitable partnerships
The rise of software and technology developments
Creating a healthy research environment
Collaborations across networks
Download the white paper “Administrating change: Global perspectives on research management” and get the latest insights.