New publishing MD for CABI

CABI has welcomed Andrew Robinson as its new managing director for publishing, to lead its publishing and knowledge management activities and products. These include CAB Abstracts and Global Health as well as compendia, books, eBooks, full text resources and open access resources such as the Plantwise Knowledge Bank and Invasive Species Compendium.
Robinson joins CABI after serving as senior vice president and managing director for society services and research at Wiley, the academic publisher, where he enjoyed a 25-year career. Most recently he led a global team that provided publishing services to more than 500 societies, associations and not-for-profit organisations. His team covered a full range of subjects from agriculture to zoology, offering journal, magazine, e-learning, web publishing and career services as well as publishing the Cochrane Library – the world’s leading database of evidence-based medicine.
He said: ‘I’m really excited to join CABI. It’s an organisation with an incredible breadth and range of products and projects. It spans everything from conducting research, to publishing research, and then, making a difference by applying research in the field. CABI really puts knowledge to work and has hard evidence of making a real difference, primarily to smallholder farmers around the world, helping them to grow more, lose less and fund things like the education of their children.’